018: 2016 Games of the Year


This year wasn’t all that bad – we got to play some great games! We reveal our 2016 Games of the Year. Each of us also have some 2017 Gaming Resolutions. Michael played Civ 5, not 6. Dennis celebrates the holiday season by playing Hitman: Holiday Hoarders. Dennis is honored to have been able to play and finish Dishonored 2. Shawn is trying to solve the mysteries of Betrayer and The Turing Test. Happy New Year!

2016 Games of the Year

  • Shawn
    • X-Wing Miniatures
    • Inside
    • Firewatch
  • Michael
    • X-Wing Miniatures
    • Inside
    • XCOM2
    • Darkest Dungeon
    • Fire Emblem Fates
    • World of Warcraft: Legions
  • Dennis
    • Hitman
    • Dishonored 2
    • Witcher 3: Blood and Wine DLC
    • Inside
    • Firewatch

We’d enjoy your feedback.

Twitter: @playedsomegames

Thanks for listening to the We Played Some Games podcast.

008: Bearwatch

Michael kicks off with either Rock, Paper, Scissors or Divinity: Original Sin; it was hard to tell. Dennis brags about finishing some games. We all enjoyed telling Taylor what to do in Lifeline. Shawn badgers The Witness. Shawn and (mostly) Dennis completely spoil Firewatch for Michael. Dennis tells you how he does things downtown in The Division Beta. We talk about “Flow” as it pertains to our gaming experiences. #nipplegolf

We’d enjoy your feedback.

Twitter: @playedsomegames