017: Tournament Virgin

017 Tournament Virgin

Dennis eliminates Season 1 of Hitman and Dishonored 2 fills his void. Tyranny tells Michael to stop being such a pussy. Shawn takes his first step into a larger world at a X-Wing Mini tournament. Dennis gets all buddy-buddy with mechs in Titanfall 2. Shawn talks about Skyrim Special Edition which leads to conversation about bad PC ports. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Gobble gobble.

016: $Free.99

016 $Free.99

Michael beats himself up over playing early-access Divinity. Dennis continues his no-kill streak playing Deus Ex DLC. Shawn splashes around in ABZU. Dennis is mega-surprised by Super Mega Baseball. Michael and Dennis get muddy playing Battlefield 1. Does Dennis like Gears of War 4 or not? Shawn confirms cyber is hard in Android: Mainframe. Surprise! X-Wing Minis talk.

We’d enjoy your feedback.

Twitter: @playedsomegames

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